St. Edwin Parish offers classes in preparation for the sacrament of Baptism for prospective parents and Godparents. The English language class takes place every third Tuesday of the month, starting at 6:30pm in the conference room of the parish center. We also offer a class in Spanish, here, every first Tuesday of the month, at the same time and same place. The class lasts about an hour and a half.To enter, just visit the office during regular hours at least one day before, complete the online form and make the donation (non-refundable as the office staff works to process your paperwork). Members of other parishes looking for a baptismal talk are also welcome. We advise registrants to arrive early; anybody who arrives late will have to wait until the next month to enter into that class. The actual class will cover four topics:1) What the Word of God says about Baptism.2) What the Catechism of the Catholic Church says about Baptism.3) The requirements and responsibilities of parents and Godparents.4) The rite of Baptism itself.Those present will receive their signed document that very evening at the end of class. Our certificate is accepted by the parishes in the Archdiocese, just as we accept their classes. We look forward to seeing you!N.B. The certificate for a simple baptismal talk is not to be confused with the affidavit to be a sponsor; the second is received from the parish where one is registered, actively participating and living the Catholic-Christian way of life.
Baptism talks
St. Edwin Parish offers classes in preparation for the sacrament of Baptism for prospective parents and Godparents. The English language class takes place every third Tuesday of the month, starting at 6:30pmin the conference room of the parish center. We also offer a class in Spanish, here, every first Tuesday of the month, at the same time and same place. The class lasts about an hour and a half.To enter, just visit the office during regular hours at least one day before, complete the online form and make the donation (non-refundable as the office staff works to process your paperwork). Members of other parishes looking for a baptismal talk are also welcome. We advise registrants to arrive early; anybody who arrives late will have to wait until the next month to enter into that class. The actual class will cover four topics:1) What the Word of God says about Baptism.2) What the Catechism of the Catholic Church says about Baptism.3) The requirements and responsibilities of parents and Godparents.4) The rite of Baptism itself.Those present will receive their signed document that very evening at the end of class. Our certificate is accepted by the parishes in the Archdiocese, just as we accept their classes. We look forward to seeing you!N.B. The certificate for a simple baptismal talk is not to be confused with the affidavit to be a sponsor; the second is received from the parish where one is registered, actively participating and living the Catholic-Christian way of life.