As part of the registration process, you will need to bring the original copies of certain documents to the office. We will make a copy of them then and there, and return them to you right away. For matrimony, you need to present the following:GROOM•Certificate of Baptism.•Certificate of First Holy Communion.•Certificate of Confirmation.BRIDE•Certificate of Baptism.•Certificate of First Holy Communion.•Certificate of Confirmation.IF ALREADY MARRIED CIVILLY: CONVALIDATION•Certificate of existing civil marriage.•Additionally, all the certificates listed for the bride and groom above will have to be recent, that is, obtained within the last six months.
As part of the registration process, you will need to bring the original copies of certain documents to the office. We will make a copy of them then and there, and return them to you right away. For matrimony you need to present the following:GROOM•Certificate of Baptism.•Certificate of First Holy Communion.•Certificate of Confirmation.BRIDE•Certificate of Baptism.•Certificate of First Holy Communion.•Certificate of Confirmation.IF ALREADY MARRIED CIVILLY: CONVALIDATION•Certificate of existing civil marriage.•Additionally, all the certificates listed for the bride and groom above will have to be recent, that is, obtained within the last six months.