High School Confirmation: documents to gather
As part of the enrollment process, you will need to bring the original copies of certain documents to the office. We will make a copy of them then and there, and return them to you right away. For Confirmation, you need to present the following: Year one registration: Baptismal certificate of the person being confirmed. First Holy Communion certificate of the person being confirmed. Year two registration: Name of the student’s sponsor, with that person’s signed and sealed affidavit from the same individual’s own parish. The saint name the student has chosen.
HS Documents
As part of the enrollment process, you will need to bring the original copies of certain documents to the office. We will make a copy of them then and there, and return them to you right away. For Confirmation, you need to turn present the following: Baptismal certificate of the person being confirmed. First Holy Communion certificate of the person being confirmed. Signed and sealed affidavit of the Confirmation sponsor from that individual’s own parish.